
Sunday 29 December 2019

Summer Learning Journey Week 2 Day 2 Task 3

People in America were racist at the time that Rosa parks and Martian were alive and protesting. When Rosa refused to give up her seat on the bus for a white passenger, just because she was black many people were upset that she arrested for that. The laws were unfair back then in America and I am glad that Americas laws have changed due to the protesting that Martian, Rosa and many other people who protested for the laws to change.

1 comment:

  1. Kia Ora Willow,

    What a great explanation of what happened to Rosa Parks. After her experience she became a symbol and role model of the fight for equal rights. Did you know that her experience started a boycott of all buses in Montgomery? The boycott lasted for 381 days! That’s over a year! Some people walked 15 km to work and 15km home everyday, in rain, sun and snow. I think I would struggle not commuting to work every day using the bus or my car because I can't imagine walking 45 km everyday! Do you walk to school or to you rely on public transport?

    Blog ya later,

