
Monday 30 December 2019

Summer Learning Journey Task 3 Day 2 Week 3

I found really fun.  I find coding hard and not fun but this website made coding fun.

Summer Learning Journey Task 2 Day 2SLJ Week 3

I moved from Dunedin to Auckland.
 I used to live in Dunedin for six years but then my mum got a degree and the only teaching jobs were in Auckland. Also my dad got sick of the cold weather!

Summer Learning Journey Task 1 Day 2 Week 3

I am talking about the painting on the left. The first thing that I noticed about it is that it is symmetrical and that the left half is white and the right half is black. The two colours seem to merge together with the birds and the checkered print on the ground, it almost looks like its moving! The birds are opposite, eg. On the black side the birds are white, on the white side the birds are black. It sort of looks like that the stretch of road is actually a horse race track, with a town to the side.

Summer Learning Journey Week 3 Day 1 Task 3

Number one, is two rhythmic gymnasts who compete against each other.
Number two, are two different soccer teams from different countries.
Number three, is something at my school, there are four houses that are rivals but for me it is yellow house and red house!

Summer Learning Journey Week 3 Day 1 Task 2

Summer Learning Journey Week 3 Day 1 Task 1

Summer Learning Journey Task 5 Day 5 Week 2

Summer Learning Journey Task 2 Day 5 Week 2

I preformed a random act of kindness by baking my teacher biscuits when they helped me.

Summer Learning Journey Task 1 Day 5 Week 2

Summer Learning Journey Task 3 Day 4 Week 2

My role model is my teacher Miss Hudson but she isn't here to give out a piece of advice

Sunday 29 December 2019

Summer Learning Journey Task 3 Week 2 Day 3

Summer Learning Journey Task 2 Day 3 Week 2

This is about when I hosted the wearable arts show with my friend Samantha

Summer Learning Journey Task 1 Week 2 Day 3

I think that kate sheppard should stay on the $10 dollar note.

Summer Learning Journey Week 2 Day 2 Task 3

People in America were racist at the time that Rosa parks and Martian were alive and protesting. When Rosa refused to give up her seat on the bus for a white passenger, just because she was black many people were upset that she arrested for that. The laws were unfair back then in America and I am glad that Americas laws have changed due to the protesting that Martian, Rosa and many other people who protested for the laws to change.

Summer Learning Journey Task 2 Week 2 Day 2

Summer Learning Journey Task 1 Day 2 Week 2

Summer Learning Journey Task 3 Week 2 Day 1

Summer Learning Journey Task 2 Week 2 Day 1

Summer Learning Journey Task 1 Day 1 Week 2

Summer Learning Journey | Week 1 Day 5 Activity 3

Summer Learning Journey | Task 2 Week 1 Day 5

Saturday 21 December 2019

Summer learning Journey | Day 2 Activity 2

Summer Learning Journey | Task 1 Day 2

Summer Learning Journey | SPCA

Here is a short explanation on what the SPCA do: The SPCA have centres all over New Zealand and prevent animal cruelty and rescue animals. There are many success stories on their website witch are both sad and amazing. The SPCA have helped many animals survive illnesses such as pneumonia. The SPCA have helped animals get better if they are horribly hurt. eg. one dog had fractured legs, dislocated hips and gravel in his stomach but he has been adopted and is in full health.