
Thursday 6 December 2018

SLG paying it forward

If I could give anyone in the 1930s I would give them this:
Enough money to keep them living.
A house
Plenty of water
Washing machine
A LOT of food
A LOT of clothes
A few of treats
Clothing line

Tuesday 6 November 2018

My banning plastic bags poster


One of my math tasks

This week we have been learning about decimals this is one of the tasks.

Monday 5 November 2018

My conservation

This is my conservation(changes will be made as I am still working on it) My topic is banning plastics around the world to make he world a cleaner and better place starting with nz. Please read through my slide and comment what you think.

Tuesday 30 October 2018

cyber smart for this week

This week we had to update our blogs take a look! Do you like it?!?!?
comment what you think and be sure to follow me!!

shopping for the week

this is my shopping for the week if I had all the time all the money in the world.

Friday 26 October 2018

Lonestar menu activity.

This week my hub and I had to do a lone star menu activity were we had to choose the things that all of our family eat, ( in our house) and this is mine!!!

Wednesday 17 October 2018

me we them

we are learning about conservation.
me= me and my family
we= us as a school
them= the government
Reusable bags when we shop.
Green team.
Traps for stoats and rats.
Growing a garden.
Growing a garden.
Programmes to help save water and electricity.
Putting my rubbish in the recycling bin, normal bin or compost bin.
Not ruining trees.
Saving water.

Tuesday 16 October 2018

cyber smart writing a good replies to a comment.

It is term four now and this is the first assignment that we have been given here is the slide on how to write good replies to a comment.

Friday 21 September 2018

Finding the least common denominator

As one of our tasks we had to find the least common denominator I did not get wich is why there is very little

Thursday 20 September 2018

data bank research company

we got given this game type thing and I took screenshots of the work and out it on the slide. I hope you enjoy!!

reducing fractions

We got given a digital worksheet and there was fractins that we had to reduce the video will explain. :)

The ice experiment

 We got given an empty slide and we had to fill it in as if we did it. We did not do it witch is why the conclusion does not say the winner or anything like that because I did not actually do the experiment.

Wednesday 19 September 2018

S.T.E.A.M fair

We are having S.T.E.A.M fair (science, technology,engineering,arts and math) Here is the slide that me  and my friend have made:

scientific method match the terms

we are doing S.T.E.A.M fair and we and to match the terms with the words for scientific method.

Tuesday 18 September 2018

How to write a quality blog comment.

so today for Cybersmart we had to chose somebody in our classes blog and write a quality blog comment while videoing it and
 I chose Brianna so here is the video. I hope you like it!!

Monday 10 September 2018

The scientific method steps in order.

For one of the tasks we had to complete we got a list of muddled the scientific method and we had to put them in the right order. 

Thursday 30 August 2018

This week's cybersmart.

This slide is when we had to answer questions to say why we think we need a blog. Here is mine:

Thursday 16 August 2018



This is not my writing, My teacher gave my class two reports and they were full of spelling and grammar. We had to correct the reports and post them on my blog. It is up above.

Friday 10 August 2018

cyber smart for this week.

This is not the best of my work that I could have done. I have never tried this witch is why it is rusty.

This is my article that I had to research about with my group.

In the study, the researchers contaminated four different surfaces - stainless steel,ceramic tile, wood and carpet - with bacteria. Then the investigators dropped food on the surfaces, and allowed the food to sit for a certain amount of time: less than a second, 5 seconds, 30 seconds or 5 minutes. The scientists tested four food types: watermelon, bread, bread and butter and gummy candy.

My report.

Ever wanted somebody warm and fuzzy to roll around and play with? Well get a cat or dog and I will give you some pointers on how to take care of your pet.

Feeding a cat

You need to feed a cat the correct food then they will actually live, don’t forget to give your cat plenty of water as well then your cat can keep hydrated.
Feed your cat these following foods, they are plenty of cats favorites: milk,cheese,meat. For every day dinner or breakfast feed them cat biscuits.  
Top tip: make sure you don’t give your dog chocolatte or it will get very sick and dye.

Giving attention to a dog

If you don’t have time to give attention to your dog then it is probably best if you don’t have a dog because some dogs need multiple walks a day. If you do not walk your dog then your dog will not  escape or get rowdy. Also it is unhealthy if you don’t give your dog enough exercise because it will help keep your dog growing and keep those joints moving.
Top tip: when you are not walking your dog then you should probably get some toys for your dog to play with and to keep occupied.

Giving exercise to a cat.

To give exercise to a cat then you should try playing with it and petting it. Make sure that you know that when you do this you have to be giving attention so your cat loves and cares for you like an owner not a stranger saying how cute this certain cat is. This is so your cat know that a random stranger is not there owner but the human being that they live with.

I hope that this report gives you pointers so you can care for your cat or dog. Thank you for listening.

My time mangment

This is what my group of classmates did on time management for topic.

Topic, (I did this in term one.)

This is the topic I decided to research about because I am passionate about Polor bears.

Cyber smart for this week.

This week we had cyber smart on Tuesday instead on Thursday. Our task for this week is when in doubt talk it out. We had to create a storyboard to show how you can. Here is mine:

Friday 3 August 2018

Maths for today

For math's we have been doing graphing and collecting data.

Friday 27 July 2018

Turning negative into positive.

Yesterday on the twenty six of July my class had cyber smart and we had to turn negative into positive. Hope you enjoy!!

Wednesday 25 July 2018

carbon dioxide ( I did this in term one)

I did this with my friend, we were going to do a video but we ran out of time.

Monday 23 July 2018

Three way conference slide

on Thursday the fifth of July we had three way conferences. This is when our parents book a time and come to school and the children have already made a slide that the present to there parents. 

This is to persuade my teacher to make some changes to our new hub.

6/6/18 23 Ray small drive Papakura Dear Mr hull Hello my name is Willow p and you probably know me from the kauri hub room 7. Today I will talking to you of how I think the hub could change a little bit. Pencil/Pen vending machines: Most of us are losing our pencils and we are forever getting frustrated as we need a pencil and don’t have one. We are trying to borrow pencils from are classmates and friends. If we had the pencil/pen vending machine everyone could have a pencil and we will all be happy people! Vending machines for people that don’t have morning tea/lunch. The office won’t have to supply food for the people that forget their lunch. Also on friday people could bring some spare change for a shared lunch and the money could go to the school for the next hub. Taco vending machine for shared lunch and just for fun. We can have tacos as well as the shared lunch from the other vending machine. Bigger cubbies so we can put our lunchboxes and drink bottles in them so they are not all together and when we go to take our chromebooks, we don’t forget our lunch boxes and drink bottles. It would be a much more tidy and easier place in this new fabulous hub. Also we could put our bags so we don’t get them all squished up in the cupboards, I think that all teachers think that they could be used for other things other than bags. E. I think that there should be a schedule so people can sign up to be in the breakout room. Also people could earn being in the breakout room like the laneyards but without the laneyards To conclude this letter I just wanted to say that I hope you take thought in this letter reasons and look at the pro’s and con’s of my suggestions. I think that these suggestions could make the hub a great learning at working environment, I think that the hub is a great place anyway so I don’t mind if you don’t give the hub any changes. This working space is already extraordinary. -willow

Friday 15 June 2018

Author study

W.A.l.T: find out about your author that you choose and make a slide about it.

Friday 18 May 2018

Anna and willows online profile

Here is Anna and I (willow) we wrote what we should write on the internet and what not to

Tuesday 15 May 2018

Here are my fractions

Here are my fractions, some were hard and some were easy. It is what my group had to do for an activity.

Monday 14 May 2018

My learning of last week

Last week I learnt a lot of stuff. In literacy I learnt a lot more of sign language  than I knew by playing a game called sign ninja. For maths I learnt some knew fractions that I did not know. For topic we had to learn or come up with a dance my group did the cha cha. For cyber-smart  we had to make a word cloud for what was good to share on the internet or with strangers and what not too.  Here is the word cloud I made: 

Thursday 22 March 2018


it wa quite easy for me but i found the extenction easier. i just used my addition becouse i prefere that.

Wednesday 21 March 2018

global warming needs to be stoped.

This is all the things that are makeing global warming. it is realy bad,and if you are a kid looking at this and you want to help is to have a plastic free lunch to reduce litter.